Students must be at least 4 years old prior to the start of the academic year in September, to join Al Barakah School. We recommend that prospective students be added to our Waiting List once they turn 2 years old, so that they can be assured of a place by the time they are eligible to join.
Enrolment Procedure
Due to high demand, applications for a place at Al Barakah School – especially for Classes 1-6 – often need to be made via our Waiting List system. Children who have a sibling registered at the school at the time of application may be given priority.
Please email for further information about our enrolment procedure including details about classes, assessments, registration and the availability of spaces.
Waiting List
Prospective students can be added to Al Barakah’s Waiting List from the age of 2 years onwards. A Waiting List Form will need to be completed and a non-refundable Waiting List Fee paid, of £12 for the first child or £6 for an additional child / a child that already has a sibling who attends Al Barakah.
Our Waiting List Form can be accessed here.
Payment can be made via the following links:
- First child (£12) –
- Second or subsequent child (£6) –
Once the form has been submitted and the fee received, your child will be added to our Waiting List and an email will be sent to confirm. The Admissions team will then contact you when we are able to offer your child a place insha’Allah.
School places at Al Barakah are offered on a first come first served basis and are generally conditional upon assessment. Our classes are age-based, with a bit of flexibility provided for ability. Assessors test the prospective student’s Arabic alphabet and vowel recognition and knowledge of Qur’an reading / tajweed rules against a list of what is currently being taught to students of the same age / in the same class that term; it is important that prospective students are on par with the syllabus as otherwise they will struggle to keep up with what is being taught in class.
If the student is unable to read at the required level or needs more practise, the Admissions team can provide a list of recommended tutors / resources and requests that the school be contacted when the student is ready to join / be reassessed.
Reception Class and Class 1 September Enrolment
New school places become available for Reception Class and Class 1 each September. Places are offered in systematic order, by the date on which the student was added to the Waiting List. While Class 1 remains our official first class for beginners aged 4, a limited number of Reception Class places are offered to our youngest 4 year olds (born between 1 January and 31 August in the eligible year).
Once an offer of a place has been accepted, an information morning is arranged to give parents the opportunity to complete any necessary administrative paperwork and meet members of staff; they will also be given an informative talk about Al Barakah and a tour of the school.
A Registration Form will need to be completed once a school place has been offered and accepted, and a one-off, non-refundable registration fee of £27.50 is required to be paid to secure the student’s place.
Please note that Al Barakah has a four week written Notice of Leave policy which means that, if you wish to leave, you must notify us via email four weeks in advance. If students leave without informing Al Barakah, then four weeks’ worth of fees will still need to be paid as the school continues to incur costs during this time.
If a student is absent for three consecutive weeks without notice, they will be removed from the school register and their place offered to the next prospective student on the Waiting List. Fees will still need to paid in respect of the four week notice period (which period shall include the three absent weeks).