Al Barakah School Awards Assembly 2022
We held our annual Awards Assembly to celebrate achievements at Al Barakah School. We are incredibly proud of all the hard work and effort put in by our students and staff this past academic year Masha’Allah. It was a lovely event and we feel very blessed to have been able to celebrate with our students, teachers, teaching assistants and the management, administrative and site teams.
This is a recap of some of our highlights from the academic year 2021-2022:
Student work and projects – Well done to all our students for their great classwork, homework and projects this year Masha’Allah!
- Youth Club – This year we have continued to grow our youth activities and it has been great to see our youth benefitting Masha’Allah.
- Charity Work – Well done to everyone who has supported our various charities this year, including Sufra Food Bank and Charity Right’s campaign for Yemen
- Launch of new books – We are very blessed to have launched 3 new books this year – Qur’an Companion as well as Islamic Studies Book 1 and Book 2. These are great resources for our students and are available to purchase at reception Alhamdulillah
Awards: We would love to give awards to all of our students for their hard work – it has been a blessing to see them learn and progress mashaAllah! Students were nominated for their outstanding work, brilliant and consistent effort or most improved throughout the academic year; however, the teachers and TAs had the very difficult decision of having to select only one student in each class for each of the three subjects Qur’an, Islamic Studies and Arabic. Additionally awards were given to our Adults, Staff and Charity Prizes (for our school fundraising competition)We hope these awards not only help to recognise the work of the students but also continue to encourage and motivate students throughout their time at Al Barakah Insha’allah. JazakAllah Khair for all the efforts from parents, guardians and families too.